Enough to fill half of a pickup truck $100, any flights of stairs are an additional $25.
Enough to fill one pickup truck is $180.00, any flights of stairs are an additional $25.
Enough to fill 2 pickup trucks is $360, any flights of stairs are an additional $25
Enough to fill three pickup trucks is $540, any flights of stairs are an additional $25.
Enough to fill 4 pickup trucks is $720, any flights of stairs are an additional $25.
Enough to fill half a pickup truck is $100, any flights of steps are an additional $25.
Enough to fill a full pickup truck is $360, any flights of steps are an additional $25.
Enough to fill two full pickup trucks is $360 any flights of steps is an additional $25
Enough to fill 3 pickup trucks is $540, any flights of steps is an additional $25.
Enough to fill 4 pickup trucks is $7200, any flights of steps is an additional $25.
Houses and sidings, one and level homes only
500 to 1,000 sq ft - $160.00
1,000 to 2,000 sq ft - $250.00
2,000 to 3,000 sq ft - $340.00
3,000 to 4,000 sq ft - $430.00
4,000 to 5,000 sq ft - $510.00
Decks patios or porches - $150.00
Driveway or garage floors - $130.00
Sidewalks - $120.00